The United States
The Department of Justice (DOJ) provided a grant under the Recovery Act in the amount of $10,720,232. This is Stimulus money and should be HIGHLY visible. Why have we not heard about the project and why are answers to our questions hard to find? Why are there "no tresspassing" signs on the property and No tresspassing signs posted? Shouldn't we be able to see our Federal Money being used for something to help our community?
The Recovery Act clearly states that the grant is to "assist tribes in developing strategies to cost effectevely construct or renovate existing facilites associated with the incarceration and rehabilitation of juvenile and adult offenders subject to TRIBAL jurisdiction." The tribe has stated they plan to house approximately 10% Tribal Juridictional inmates. The remaining 90% of inmates will come from our local jurisdictions: Lacey, Tumwater, Tenino, Yelm, Rainier, Fort Lewis, ICE and the Department of Corrections. This does NOT appear to be the intention for the grant.
The Department of Agriculture (USDA) provided a "low interest loan" to the Nisqually Tribe for the Regional Jail Facility. The amount is listed as $11,584,586 We have requested information regarding this loan and still have not received information from the USDA.
Both the grant and the loan are from FEDERAL FUNDS our Taxpayers dollars.
Here is the information from United States Department of Justice USDOJ.GOV web site:
Grant Amount: $10,720,232
Location: The Nisqually Indian Tribe is located within the 1,280 acre Nisqually Reservation located in Thurston County along the banks of the Nisqually River in Washington State. The selected site for the project is on 28 acres of heavily wooded land west of the intersection of Yelm Highway and Highway 510.
Scope of Project: The project includes the design and construction of a new 55,300 square foot multi-building facility configured as follows: one 34,000 square foot, single story support building; two 7,650 square foot housing units; and one 6,000 square foot warehouse/laundry building. Each housing unit will contain 96 beds for low risk inmates. The single-story support building will contain 108 inmate beds (84 for males and 24 for females). The building structure will be masonry block and steel frame construction for the secured housing areas, and wood frame construction for the low risk housing areas. The project is planned as a two-phase project. Phase 1 involves site development and Phase 2 involves building construction.
Two additional essential offsite utility construction projects are also underway – with critical implications for the project. One involves extending existing water service piping to the project site. This must be completed prior to the start of building construction to meet local fire code requirements. If this is not completed prior to the start of building construction, NIT plans to drill an onsite well for the water supply. The second offsite utility project involves the design and construction of a $13 million dollar waste water treatment plant. NIT reports that it is unlikely the waste water treatment plant will be ready in time for project completion. If this occurs, NIT plans to build an onsite septic system that will accommodate the new facility operations.
The project budget is $22,304,800. This includes the BJA grant in the amount of $10,720,232 and a USDA grant in the amount of $11,584,568.
Status: Work on two design packages is underway. The building design package is 65% complete and the site design package is 95% complete. Project construction is expected to begin in November, 2010 and the project is expected to be completed by May, 2012. NIT intends to submit construction documents to BIA for review by November, 2010. The next steps are to complete the construction documents and procure general contracting services for both the site and the building. The risks to be monitored are the of-site water utility and waste water treatment projects. Also, the practice of phasing construction packages under separate contracts can sometimes create contractor coordination issues. BJA will monitor this closely to ensure project budget and schedule are not affected.
Here is the information from United States Department of Justice USDOJ.GOV web site:
Grant Amount: $10,720,232

Storm Drainage.
Scope of Project: The project includes the design and construction of a new 55,300 square foot multi-building facility configured as follows: one 34,000 square foot, single story support building; two 7,650 square foot housing units; and one 6,000 square foot warehouse/laundry building. Each housing unit will contain 96 beds for low risk inmates. The single-story support building will contain 108 inmate beds (84 for males and 24 for females). The building structure will be masonry block and steel frame construction for the secured housing areas, and wood frame construction for the low risk housing areas. The project is planned as a two-phase project. Phase 1 involves site development and Phase 2 involves building construction.
Two additional essential offsite utility construction projects are also underway – with critical implications for the project. One involves extending existing water service piping to the project site. This must be completed prior to the start of building construction to meet local fire code requirements. If this is not completed prior to the start of building construction, NIT plans to drill an onsite well for the water supply. The second offsite utility project involves the design and construction of a $13 million dollar waste water treatment plant. NIT reports that it is unlikely the waste water treatment plant will be ready in time for project completion. If this occurs, NIT plans to build an onsite septic system that will accommodate the new facility operations.
The project budget is $22,304,800. This includes the BJA grant in the amount of $10,720,232 and a USDA grant in the amount of $11,584,568.
Status: Work on two design packages is underway. The building design package is 65% complete and the site design package is 95% complete. Project construction is expected to begin in November, 2010 and the project is expected to be completed by May, 2012. NIT intends to submit construction documents to BIA for review by November, 2010. The next steps are to complete the construction documents and procure general contracting services for both the site and the building. The risks to be monitored are the of-site water utility and waste water treatment projects. Also, the practice of phasing construction packages under separate contracts can sometimes create contractor coordination issues. BJA will monitor this closely to ensure project budget and schedule are not affected.